Alaska Dental Assisting Requirements

Here are the requirements for dental assistants in the State of Alaska:
Disclaimer: The data is meant for informational purposes only and is not a legal opinion of dental practice Alaska in that state.

If you have any questions, or to verify if you meet these requirements, please contact the State of Alaska dental board.


There are no radiography requirements for dental assistants in the state of Alaska.
All dental assistants may legally operate dental X-ray equipment and perform dental radiographic procedures delegated by and under the indirect supervision of an Alaska state-licensed dentist.

Note: A dental hygienist holding an advanced practice permit may also delegate to a dental assistant the exposure and development of radiographs under indirect supervision.

Dental Assistant Qualified in Coronal Polishing

To perform coronal polishing procedures under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist in the state of Alaska, a dental assistant must earn a certificate in coronal polishing.

An applicant for certification must:
1. Submit to the Alaska Board of Dental Examiners a complete, notarized application form, AND
2. Pay applicable fee, AND
3a. Successfully complete a program of instruction approved by the Alaska Board of Dental Examiners, OR
3b. Be currently licensed or certified in another jurisdiction to perform coronal polishing and provide documentation to the board verifying the certificate and cours.e taken to obtain that certification

Note: The coronal polishing certificate must be renewed biennially on or before February 28 of odd-numbered years.

Note: The Alaska Board of Dental Examiners maintains a registry of dental assistants who hold certificates in coronal polishing and/or restorative functions.

Dental Assistant Qualified in Restorative

To perform specified restorative functions in the state of Alaska under the direct supervision of a licensed dentist, a dental assistant must hold a certificate in restorative functions.

To qualify, one must:
1. Successfully complete a course offered by or under the auspices of a program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) or other equivalent course or program approved by the Alaska Board of Dental Examiners, AND
2a. Pass the Western Regional Examining Board’s restorative examination or other equivalent examination approved by the board within five years preceding the dental assistant’s certificate application, OR
2b. Have legal authorization from another state or jurisdiction to perform restorative functions.

Note: The Alaska Board of Dental Examiners maintains a registry of dental assistants who hold certificates in coronal polishing and/or restorative functions.
Note: The restorative functions certificate must be renewed biennially on or before February 28th of odd-numbered years.

Recommended Course

Frequently Asked Questions

To become a dental assistant in the state of Alaska, visit the Alaska Dental Assistant Requirements for more detailed information.
To perform dental radiography procedures in the state of Alaska, visit the Alaska Radiography Requirements for more detailed information.
To perform coronal polishing in the state of Alaska, visit the Alaska Coronal Polishing Requirements for more detailed information.
To perform restorative function in the state of Alaska, visit the Alaska Restorative Requirements for more detailed information.

Dental AssistEd offers CE courses which are PACE certified through the Academy of General Dentistry, view the courses here

Dental AssistEd offers an OSHA certification course here.
Dental AssistEd offers a HIPAA certification course here.
Dental AssistEd offers a sexual harassment prevention training certification course here.
Dental AssistEd offers a Bloodborne pathogens certification course  here.
Dental AssistEd offers an Equity for & Bias against LGBTQ certification course here.
Dental AssistEd offers  an Armed Intruder certification course here.