Restorative Course
To place, carve and finish amalgam restorations; place, pack and finish composite restorations; and place interim restorations under the direct supervision of a dentist, a dental assistant must:
1. Have at least 4,000 hours of clinical patient care experience, AND
2. Pass approved coronal polishing course and approved dental sealants course (prior to taking restorative training program), AND
3. Successfully complete a structured training program meeting the requirements outlined in statute and provided by (a.) an educational institution accredited by CODA, or (b.) a statewide dental association approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), AND
4. Maintain on file at the dental office the certificate of completion of the required training program, which must be made available to IDFPR upon request
The Restorative course is a dual online and 4 day hands-on training which includes a minimum of 16 hours of didactic study and 14 hours of clinical manikin instruction.
Areas of study include: nomenclature, caries classifications, oral anatomy, periodontium, basic occlusion, instrumentations, pulp protection liners and bases, dental materials, matrix and wedge techniques, amalgam placement and carving, rubber dam clamp placement, and rubber dam placement and removal.
Several outcome assessment examinations that demonstrate competency.
Before receiving a certification of completion the supervising dentist is required to observe and approve the completion of 8 amalgam or composite restorations.
*This course is consistent with the guidelines of the Illinois Dental Practice Act. All educational and clinical requirements are in accordance with the State of Illinois.
Illinois Coronal Polishing Course
Illinois Pit and Fissure Sealant Course
Coronal Scaling
Illinois Coronal Polishing and Pit and Fissure Sealants
Indiana Coronal Polishing and Fluoride
Indiana Coronal Polishing, Fluoride Application and Sealant Placement
Dental AssistEd is a PACE-approved leader in continuing education for dental professionals. From hands-on courses for assistants to compliance training for all office roles, it offers various learning opportunities to advance your career.